The Baby Elephant : I love this project, it's still still one of my favourites. This was a restoration job of a six year old Dutch metal (imitation gold is a brass metal alloy) that had tarnished , flaked, peeled and weatherd over time. My client wanted a clean fresh gilt finish in 23.5ct gold and varnished to stand the weathering of being outdoors.. After scraping and sanding back the old decayed varnish I primed the new finish like the surface of a car with car spraypaint and my new 50l compressor and airgun. First was the grey undercoat, then yellow base colour. We gilded it with genuine 23.5ct gold leaf and then finished it with a shiny clear coat lacquer. The finish will last as long as any great car finish. The finishing touch was to handpainted the chain of lovehearts around the elephants foot. Sweet!